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Data Act: EU Commission Applauds Political Accord Advancing Fair and Innovative Data Economy Regulations

Data Act: EU Commission Applauds Political Accord Advancing Fair and Innovative Data Economy Regulations

Monday, 3 July, 2023

On June 28, 2023, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU came to a political consensus regarding the European Data Act (referred to as the 'Data Act'). This act is a new legislation that governs the criteria and permissions for accessing data.


The European Parliament emphasizes that the primary aim of the "Data Act" is to promote innovation by removing barriers that hinder data accessibility. This new data law establishes regulations that govern the sharing of data generated from connected products or related services, such as the Internet of Things and industrial machinery. It grants users access to the data they create, facilitating the development of new services, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence, where vast data quantities are crucial for algorithm training. 


Another significant goal is to reduce the cost of after-sales services and repairs for connected devices. Furthermore, in exceptional situations like floods or fires, public sector bodies are allowed to access and utilize data held by private sector entities, as stated in the new law.


“The data act aims to boost the EU’s data economy by freeing up industrial data, optimizing its accessibility and use, and promoting a competitive and reliable European cloud market. It seeks to ensure that everyone reaps the benefits of the digital revolution,” the Commission’s statement said.


What Does the Data Act Entail?

Although the political agreement has not been made public yet, both the Council and Parliament must vote on the proposal before it becomes official. Although the exact details of the agreement are yet to be determined, the Data Act is expected to include the following provisions:


  • Enabling users of connected devices covered by the Act to access and transfer specific data generated by these devices and related services.
  • Regulating contractual terms in data sharing agreements
  • Introducing new rules for switching between different cloud services
  • Promoting the development of interoperability standards
  • Establishing mechanisms for public sector entities to access and utilize private sector data during certain public emergencies


