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How Is Quantum Computing Going to Shape Switzerland's Future

How Is Quantum Computing Going to Shape Switzerland's Future

Monday, 22 August, 2022

More than CHF 23 billion has been invested in quantum research and development by Switzerland and numerous other countries. The race to make quantum computing a standard tool for business is being fought by IT giants like IBM, Google, Alibaba, Microsoft, Amazon, and other groups.

Although quantum computing is still in its early phases of development, given its enormous potential, enterprises should begin preparing now.

The advent of quantum computing technologies will have a profound impact on our civilization. In the medium term, computing power beyond our current grasp will be attained. This will enable several unique business breakthroughs and applications. This will also generate a large number of sensitive legal issues.

All industries will be affected by quantum computing. It will alter the way we collaborate and the security we have put in place to safeguard information, as well as how we fight disease, develop new materials, and address concerns relating to the environment and human health.

Here is how quantum computing is changing the future:


1. Quantum Cryptography and Online Security

Future quantum computers will have the option of processing this data swiftly, rendering our PCs, financial institutions, and private data useless. Fortunately, a lot of work has gone into developing quantum encryption techniques, such as quantum key movement, a very secure method that needs a key to decipher a message. 

If the message is captured, no one else can understand it due to the unique characteristics of quantum physics. This is very different from post-quantum cryptography since it isn't designed to prevent quantum computers from cracking cryptosystems, yet it still manages to do so. This type of encryption makes use of quantum physics' own techniques.


2. A Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence

The information processing needed to improve machine learning is ideally suited to quantum computing. Massive volumes of data may be analyzed by quantum computers, which can then provide artificial intelligence robots with the feedback they require to improve performance. Artificial intelligence robots benefit from a faster learning curve thanks to quantum computers' superior ability to analyze data. Like humans, quantum computing-powered artificial intelligence machines can learn from mistakes and self-correct. In a relatively short period of time, quantum computers will enable AI to spread across multiple industries, and technology will become much more affordable.


3. Improved Legal Technology

Many organizations currently rely on computers to do optimization, but researchers now believe that quantum computing might revolutionize this field. Law companies may assist clients or speed paperwork and research using a quantum computer, which would discover and provide these opportunities. If technology progresses far enough, these robots may even be able to comprehend the law on their own and provide automated legal counsel.

What will be the impact of quantum technologies on diverse legal systems? Investigating how to modify privacy protection laws and who is legally liable in the event that the use of quantum technology has unintended repercussions, such as in a medical setting, is part of this process.


4. The Banking and Financial Industry

Deeper analytics and new, quicker trading opportunities are just a few of the possible advantages that quantum computers might have for the financial sector. In fact, a lot of big organizations are interested in using quantum computing to speed up trade, transactions, and data flow.


5. Cyber Security Industry

While quantum computers will have numerous advantages, they will also probably present new dangers.

Quantum computers can bypass the powerful public encryption used to safeguard information today, which means regardless of how secure your data may seem at the moment, it could be subject to attacks in the future. Any business that needs to secure sensitive information should find that scenario alarming.


6. Data Protection

The processing of personal data will be increasingly sophisticated and widespread thanks to quantum computing. The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and supplementary national data protection regulations shall apply to such processing in Switzerland and the rest of the EU.

Will the current legal system still be effective when data is processed by quantum computers? As a result, the GDPR's standards for profiling, automated decision-making, and large-scale data processing may turn out to be inappropriate or even obsolete. In addition, strict compliance with fundamental GDPR principles, including data minimization, fairness, and openness, will be tested.



  1. https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-86852.html
  2. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/how-quantum-safe-cryptography-will-ensure-a-secure-computing-future/